What are the Types of Child Custody?
Child custody has two types. First is the physical custody and second, is the legal custody . Whether you can have legal or physical custody , the court will determine the decision. Whether it is a sole or joint custody , the decision will be based according to the best interest of the child. Physical Custody This refers to the residence where the child should live . It is granted by the court to a parent who they think as better fit to live with the child. A parent can have either sole or joint custody. Sole Physical Custody This means that only one parent can live with the child. The house of the parent with granted sole physical custody should be the home of the child. On the other hand, the other parent can only have limited visitation rights and his or her house will only be considered as a place to visit. Joint Physical Custody In this arrangement, both place of residence of the parents can be considered as the home of the child. This wou...