
Showing posts from July, 2021

Reasons to Lose Custody of a Child That May Surprise You in Fort Myers, FL

  In a family court of law, the judge may award sole or joint custody and sole or joint physical custody  of a child. Visitation, or parenting time, may be equal or given primarily to one parent. Losing custody  of a child means losing both joint legal and/or physical custody and visitation may become limited or  supervised. 1. Child Abuse  Child abuse is disturbingly the number one reason a parent may lose custody of a child. Parents who  strictly discipline children are advised to take parenting classes or seek counsel for recommended  methods. A court may view strict parenting as abuse.  Child abuse can be seen in many forms.  Physical: Abuse which resulted in burns, bruises, scars, wounds or head/bone injuries. Sexual: Involves overt and generally forced sexual acts or indecent exposure. A parent engaged  in an act of serious child abuse through neglect.   Emotional/Psychological/Verbal: Abuse that can lead to depression, a...