The Different Types of Adoption in Florida

Adoption is every child’s plight to belong in prospect parents and in a certain family. Adoption in Florida involves a legal transfer of parental rights between birth and foster parents yet is also inclusive of complete core services such as psychotherapy, education, guidance and support along an adoption life-changing milieu.

Successful ethical discourse on adoption requires primer adoption attorney who serves as an advocate and at the same time a legal counsel for adoption with excellent knowledge over Florida adoption laws. Reputable astute assistance of an experienced Family Law Attorney, we, at Mellany Marquez-Kelly will help you have the finest, individualized outcome and emotionally non-taxing adoption proceedings.

As per Florida Adoption Laws, a birth mother may sign consent within 48 hours after birth, or after release from the hospital. And the birth father may sign any time after birth. This law also allows single parent adoption, if requirements are fully met. It covers possible adoption without an agency, by establishing an independent contract with the birth mother/parents. Adoption cannot be completed unless birth parents give up all legal rights to the child.

In a closed adoption setting moreover, an agency opts for the adoptive parents. In Florida, you may as well adopt older children or an adult while a stepparent can adopt the child of his or her spouse. In an open adoption, at one hand, the adoptive parents allow the child to set a degree of contact with birth parents, previous foster families, and other individuals from the child’s life before adoption.

Further, Florida adoption law recognizes surrogacy adoption which is tagged with a complex notion; thus outstanding lawful counsel directs clarity of custody on parental authority concerns. With proper legal parental transfer of rights, the role and responsibilities of the adoptive parents can be diversified and honored in deciding vital matters including the child’s medical treatment, education, religion, and even daily routine issues. Adopted children can then inherit from their adopted parents the same as those biological offspring/siblings.

Through this Adoption milestone, we remain as your most experience, trust-worthy Adoption Attorney in Cape Coral, Florida. Contact as now at 239-214-0403 to get a free consultancy and utmost Adoption supervision!


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