The Complexity of Paternity Issues

Paternity is defined as the establishment, through legal action, of the father of a child. Determining a child’s father is important as it would work for the child’s benefit, especially in matters such as illegitimacy and divorce. In order for a male person to be legally recognized as the child’s father, either the mother or the potential father could file a suit in court and legal proceedings would be undertaken to justify the claim, in accordance with the paternity law. A paternity acknowledgement could also be performed by both parents. Both actions provide solutions to paternity issues which could, when unresolved, lead to events which may cause significant effects to the child involved.

Paternity issues are complex matters as a lot of factors regarding a child’s future are taken into consideration, since the child’s interests are always top priority. One main issue which often leads to paternity disputes is child support. Child support is necessary since financial stability is important to maintain a child’s health and well-being. Once confirmed through legal proof, child support becomes a paternity obligation for a man even if he denies being a child’s parent beforehand.

Other than securing a child’s legal rights, paternity establishment also ensures that the child develops a strong sense of identity and belongingness. Paternity should be established during a child’s formative years as it may influence adulthood; a child is bound to create an image of his or her father if the latter’s identity isn’t revealed early, which may have impacts on him or her in the future if that image is proven to be wrong. A father’s rights to custody and visitation could be discussed by both parties to satisfy a child’s needs as well. Paternity disputes are complicated and most often lead to courts.

If you or your friends ever find yourself involved in a paternity issue, professionals such as a paternity legal counsel or family law attorneys will work with you to help you get through such a difficult chapter of your life. Looking for a paternity lawyer in Fort Myers, or a paternity attorney in Cape Coral? Mellany Marquez-Kelly, an experienced attorney in family law, would gladly assist you and answer your questions. Message her today at for a free half-hour consultation.


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