5 Tips on Telling Your Children About Your Divorce

Divorce is a difficult chapter in a married couple’s life. Aside from all the matters that need to be settled, such as property division and support payments, another difficult task to be undertaken is talking to the children about it. Breaking the news to your kids can be a painful experience, which is why there is a need to do it with care. Here are some steps which can help you handle the situation tactfully.

·         Carefully consider what you will say. Any word that comes from you can have a lasting impact on your children, so it is best to practice beforehand what you will be telling them. Consider the important points that you need to impart and what your children need to hear. Rehearse this with your partner and be prepared for emotions or remarks that may arise during the announcement. This will help you manage your emotions better during the process. Also, be careful about the timing; choose a time during which you think your children can best receive the news.

·         Be united in front of the kids. This is not the time to blame and quarrel with each other. You and your partner will have to act united despite your own personal conflict. Effective communication will consist of refraining from saying anything unnecessary such as rude or accusatory comments against your partner, which should never be seen by your children. Your children should not be given reasons to take sides.
·         Children of different ages can take the announcement differently. There are things that an older child will handle differently than a younger one. In this case, it would help to talk to your children separately.

·         Allow space for questions and adjustment. Expect questions and mixed reactions during the announcement, and respond to them as gently as you can. Both parents should contribute to answering their children’s inquiries. It would be a lot to process for your kids, so give them the space they need to adjust to the situation at hand.

·         Let your kids know what happens after. Explain to your children the specific changes that are expected to happen to their lives after the divorce, such as living arrangements and changes in school schedules. This is important in order to help them adjust as well as relieve some of the cares they may be keeping. Reassure them that nothing changed about your love for them.

Divorce is a difficult process for all concerned. In order to help make the process a little easier to bear, you would need the advice and assistance of an expert and compassionate divorce lawyer. Atty. Mellany Marquez-Kelly is a trusted family law attorney in Fort Myers, Florida, and its surrounding areas. Atty. Marquez-Kelly will help you formulate a successful legal resolution for your divorce to secure your best benefit and that of your children. Contact Atty. Marquez-Kelly at 239-214-0403.


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