Settling Your Child Relocation or Change of Domicile

Separation is causing serious stress to families across Florida, especially since parties involved have to settle child relocation issues. It is a burden to the couple and most especially the children. Studies show that Florida is one of the most stressed states in the United States of America since it is the highest when it comes to divorce rate. And the citizens of Florida have all the reason to be stressed when it comes to settling child custody disputes.

How do you settle child relocation or change of domicile?
There are a lot of things to consider under Florida law when it comes to requesting child change of domicile. The first thing that you have to do  is to contact a child relocation lawyer for advise and possible representation.
In most divorces concerning children below the age of majority , a temporary order for guardianship, period of supervision, and child support is present and entered into during the time the custody case is filed. From the time that it is filed, the parents are then covered by the law on change of domicile.
This statute will prevail if the parents have joint legal custody of the child or children. Courts will usually execute an order allowing both parents to have the right to involve themselves in effecting significant decisions pertaining to the child’s welfare and will then give custody to one parent while providing the other with the proper parenting time schedule.
There are exceptional circumstances wherein only one parent has the legal custody.  When this happens, that parent can move the child without the consent of the other spouse or permission from the court.
A child relocation lawyer will offer sound advice in order to process change of domicile of your child or children. In most cases, however, it is highly advisable for both spouses to iron out differences first and come to an agreement before going to court. Child relocation is a no non-sense business involving time, money, and emotion and the finding of a common ground is a decision that makes the most sense.


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