The Importance of Paternity Acknowledgement in Cape Coral, Florida

What is the importance of paternity acknowledgement under the laws of the Sunshine State?
Possibly one of the most important - if not the most important – reason why legal paternity must be established is financial consideration.  Establishing paternity means a mother can receive child support for any offspring out of the union with the known father. Paternity Fort Myers FL lawyers would agree that this is essential before you can even file for support. In addition, the father must now include the child in his the personal health insurance and other governmental support.  
Besides support, there is also the concept of inheritance. Being recognized, the child can have a legal claim to inherit the father’s estate, if legal paternity is established. Not processing this can result to denial of opportunities for the child.
Besides financial considerations and the matter on inheritance, establishing the fraternity paves the way for visitation rights and the father’s role in the upbringing of the child. As a child grows up, so does his or her perceptions, ethics, and morality. The father can then have a say on the child’s education, health, and even religion. If a father wants more time with his child, then legal acknowledgment is of utmost important. You can consult a paternity lawyer for this. 
If the couple has no qualm regarding paternity, the father only has to sign a voluntary acknowledge. It is different however, if the both parties are not in agreement. Under Florida law, the legal paternity action can be filed by the mother of the child, the alleged father, the child's legal representative, or the Florida Department of Revenue.
If you are looking for a paternity For Myers FL lawyer, you can try contacting Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney at 239-214-0403 or click this link for a free half-hour consultation if you are from Fort Myers and Cape Coral areas.


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