How can Divorced Couples Handle the Rights of Custody in Cape Coral, FL?

Marriage is a sacred and legal union of a man and woman to establish their family. Married life is the most satisfying engagement a  couple may experience. To sustain the marriage is difficult due to the failure of the couple to settle their differences. 
The worse resolution to end the burden of an unhappy marriage is to file a divorce. This court action has the sole purpose of ending the legal and religious obligations of the spouses. To effect, the properties of the couple that includes both the real and personal properties will rightfully be divided. 
The above undertaking has the worst legal and paternal effects on the custody of the children. Florida law always protects the rights of the spouses but foremost the rights of the children. 
Legal and beneficial remedies may be invoked by the parties during the legal custody case but the court will surely decide to the best interest of the children. As long the rights of the children are not jeopardized and their rights are observed to the utmost degree, the children’s rights may be addressed by the court and give the custody of the children to the capable and deserving parent.
The child’s custody case is a tedious and complicated one. That is why a professional and efficient Family Law Lawyer should be availed to proficiently address the entailed legal issues such as but not limited to child support, visitation, legal parenting, and custody
If you need a Family Lawyer that can provide you with ease and confidence, the services of Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney is strongly recommended to be your attorney. Mellany Marquez-Kelly comprehends the complication of the paternity issues and their sensitive and complicated implications. Further, it is a time-consuming undertaking and definitely a confusing engagement. 
With her clear and strong vision to protect the interest of the children and to retain the presence of their parents to financially support their regular needs, she could manage to advocate the possible affirmative legal steps to carry out for the advantage of the children’s welfare. She mastered the field about the paternity establishment with due care and sensitivity in order to facilitate the right course to undertake. The services of Mellany Marquez-Kelly are incomparable and she always provides her best ability to protect the rights of her clients for their utmost satisfaction. 
For your needs about paternity, paternity acknowledgment, legal paternity, paternity attorney, paternity lawyer, voluntary acknowledgment Paternity, court order paternity acknowledgment, paternity Fort Myers FL, and paternity Cape Coral FL, you may visit our official website to learn more about the details at
You may also reach us at telephone number 239-214-0403 for the prompt responses of your queries. For the benefits of our clients, we provide a Free Half-Hour Consultation to afford you with the best possible legal strategies to ensure your success.
Moreover, you may likewise email us via our official email page at
Our service areas are always prepared to extend the legal assistance you most needed at Fort Myers and Cape Coral, Florida and our dedicated coordinators await for your call to make sure that paramount services will be delivered for your welfare and utmost satisfaction. 


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