I Kept a Jоurnаl Dосumеntіng our Turbulent Mаrrіаgе and I Plan to File Fоr Dіvоrсе. Cоuld it be Uѕеd Against Me?

A kept journal is beneficial during the petition of divorce proceedings.

Divorce is a tedious process involving perplexing proceedings especially if the petition incorporates 

an adversarial dispute.

If a marriage no longer works, most Americans resort to the filing of a Petition for Divorce. This 

proceeding adversely affects not only the bond of the marriage but also the interest of children and 

the properties within the absolute community.

Sets of evidence are indispensable when it comes to adversarial litigation. Unless otherwise, parties 

agree to fast-track the divorce process in consideration of the application of the no-fault principle. As 

part of the process, testimonial and documentary pieces of evidence are required to be presented to 

establish party claims. Testimonial evidence may be fabricated to reinforce this exhibit. Documentary 

evidence may be tendered to offer supporting evidence.

The presentation of a journal may be advantageous in cases where a detailed and narrative report is 

offered to sustain the veracity of the deposition.

Significant information can be drawn from a journal. A journal is a documentation process that may 

show neglect on the part of a spouse, details of a transpired argument as well the misconduct adverse 

to the general welfare of children involved. A journal can essentially discredit the opposing spouse and 

provide an advantage to increase your credibility.

It is common to lose track of event dates. Journals provide detailed happenings of past events, which 

may serve as evidence to support legal claims.

A journal may likewise provide needed comfort when multiple property distributions are concerned 

subject for the equitable distribution of assets. Issues are ambiguous in nature and a campaign to 

record them is significant for simplification.

Documenting in a journal during the course of marriage is advantageous to trackinimical events and will 

surely add value to divorce proceedings. The process of journal documentation should illustrate unusual 

and notable exchanges of sentiments. The court may boost credibility of the party that facilitates the 

actual journal recording as it provides serious and compelling information to display feuds or disputes 

that in a way would affect the general welfare of the family.

On the other hand, the court may attempt to discredit the opposing spouse who perpetrated or carried 

out actionable and improper dealings.

For questions or concerns regarding the filing of a Petition for Divorce or for guidance in responding to a 

filed petition against you, contract Attorney Marquez-Kelly.

Southwest Florida's Most Trusted Divorce Attorney

In 2002, Attorney Marquez-Kelly еаrnеd hеr Bachelors Degree іn Science in Lеgаl Studies from the 

University of Cеntrаl Flоrіdа. In 2006, she obtained her law degree from Florida Agricultural and 

Mechanical University College of Law and she became a member of the Florida Bar Association and 

the United States District Court.

In 2013, she founded the Marquez-Kelly Law practice focusing in the fields of Dissolution of Marriage, 

Paternity, Guardianship, Family Law and Real Estate Law.

Call Marquez Kelly-Law at 239-214-0403 or message us for a free half-hour Divorce Consultation  



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