Structured Guidelines for Alimony in Florida

Alimony is the term used for the amount of money paid to an ex-spouse as a form of support. After a divorce, the decision whether or not to grant alimony is based on a number of factors, which means that the amount of maintenance to be paid cannot be solely derived from a mathematical formula. This is true for some U.S. states. Under Florida statutes, there are different types of alimony that can be awarded to a recipient. These are:

·         Temporary alimony (alimony pendent lite) – this is given while the divorce is on-going, and ends when it becomes final.

·         Bridge-the-gap alimony – this type of alimony supports an ex-spouse during the transition from marital to single life. It is intended to pay for the short-term needs of the recipient, and is only awarded for a specific period of time.

·         Rehabilitative alimony – as the name implies, this type of alimony seeks to rehabilitate an ex-spouse by paying for the necessary skills training or education needed to create a self-supportive lifestyle. This kind of alimony can be ended depending on situational changes, such as neglect on the part of the recipient regarding the rehabilitative plan.

·         Durational alimony – there are three types of marriages in Florida: short-term (less than 7 years), moderate-term (at least 7 years but less than 17 years), and long-term (17 years or more). Recipients from short to moderate-term marriages are often granted this type of spousal support. Durational alimony is designed to last not more than the duration of the marriage. It provides assistance to an ex-spouse’s economic needs.

·         Permanent alimonymoderate and long-term marriages are usually awarded with this type of support. Permanent alimony allows recipients to have the same standard of living (concerning their needs and necessities) as experienced in the marriage, which they cannot provide for themselves after the marriage has ended.

In Florida, the facts of the case are reviewed to determine whether the need for alimony is necessary. Some of these factors include:

·         the standard of living during and after the marriage
·         the duration of the marriage
·         each spouse’s age, health, emotional and physical condition, skills, and capacity to be employed and to earn
·         each spouse’s source of income, assets, and properties (separate and marital)
·         each spouse’s conduct during the marriage

Divorce proceedings can often be very stressful and frustrating, and the underlying guidelines that can be brought up can be hard to comprehend alone. The service of a lawyer with experience in family law is a great help to relieve some of the difficulties encountered in a divorce case. Mellany Marquez-Kelly has a thorough understanding of Florida family law and can guide you throughout the process. For a divorce attorney in Fort Myers or Cape Coral, contact Mellany Marquez-Kelly now at 239-214-0403.


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