10 Things You Should Never Do During Divorce in Cape Coral, FL

Nowadays, most people having divorce cases are not taking it seriously and without care about their personal public and private image. Unknowingly and innocently though, their actions and behavior for on and off the court show questionable facts and evidence in front of a divorce judge. As litigants, the battle of imagery as well as the battle of facts should go hand in hand to win a divorce case. Consequently, to have a win-win case situation is with clean hands and a clean history.     
Tip no.1: Do not hide facts from your divorce attorney.It is the lawyer’s job is to defend you during the trial. Good or bad you need to trust your divorce lawyer with all your heart. Most divorce trial cases failed because of secrets and surprise full facts. Keeping secrets can only hurt you in your divorce case. Be open everything to your lawyer so that he can plan, strategize, and win your divorce trial based on facts.       
Tip No.2: Never let yourself be pregnant or getting someone pregnant.
Don’t complicate things during the divorce trial, becoming pregnant or getting someone pregnant will makes matters worst. The court would be distracted and focused on the future welfare of the child you are bearing or on someone’s child. It will make you a liability in the divorce trial rather than helping to improve your case, losing your integrity to the trial judge which is not favoring your side, and eventually losing the trial. 
Tip No.3: Don’t take revenge on your wife.
During the trial period, you are not allowed to make a vengeful act or inappropriate behavior against your wife like sending offensive text messages, voice mail messages, emails, or even phone messages. These small obnoxious and uninviting acts can be used against you. Always remember all forms of communication and agreement should be a pleasant, more-or-less peaceful manner and should be done in private to assure you are safe and playing by the rules.     
Tip No.4: Don’t jump into another relationship. 
Avoid any form of romantic relationships, unless there's some compelling reason for doing so. Worst is bringing your new boyfriend or girlfriend to court, it will be viewed by the trial judge as an attempt by you to exacerbate the emotional turmoil of a case and you are the instigator, which is bad.  
Tip No.5: Don’t make comments to your children about your spouse. 
Negative comments that your spouse may or may not be guilty of should be set aside, especially in the presence of your children. Stay the children out of it. In good time they will eventually know but during the trial period, silence is a safe virtue to do. 
Tip No.6: Don’t post obnoxious comments on social media sites. 
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media sites posted can be used as evidence against you. Nowadays, nothing is private anymore on the internet. Even emails can be hacked and worst somebody posted it on Youtube and made you viral. Remember always think twice before making any mouse click.  
Tip No.7: Don't hide money from your spouse.
Trying to hide your assets in an attempt to get more of your share, which you are yours in the first place is another bad idea. During the divorce, trials prevent any complications especially about money or source of funds to simplify matters, make a speedy trial and lessening the burdens on your life so you can move on.     
Tip No.8: Don’t use children to take revenge on your spouse.
Children are innocent and should not be involved. Try to maintain a good sense of perspective of the situation, check your behavior with some common sense. Formulate a sensible and better plan rather than using your children against your spouse. Imagine the future endgame of your children’s lives, the long-lasting damage of your parental relationships with children and the effects it would bring.      
Tip No.9: Don’t immediately tell the public about your divorce.   
Publicly and without hesitation, telling everyone about your social status as a divorcee is not good. Your social status may mean a lot for your public image and possibly the source of your livelihood, however, all things should come in good time. Always simplify things by keeping it silent. Public views and social perspectives could make matters worse, which could jeopardize your trial. 
Tip No.10: Don’t be your own divorce lawyer.
You need to understand, you don’t know it all. You may get the information from the internet or advice from friends and save some money. Unfortunately, the sad reality is you will not be saving any money. You will find yourself back in court again and again, which will get worse and drain your savings. Legal cases should be done correctly and properly, a trustful with a strong integrity lawyer is compulsory.        
Let Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney help you with your divorce case. We have the experience and compassion to help you navigate the successful legal resolution of your divorce at our Fort Myers Divorce Lawyer and Cape Coral Divorce Lawyer Offices. 
Call us up at 239-214-0403, or you can message us at http://bit.ly/marquezkellylaw-contact/  for a FREE half-hour initial consultation, where we can show you the legal options you have. 
We also offer legal services on minor guardianships, paternity, prenuptial/postnuptial agreements, same-sex divorce & adoption, etc., you can count on the successful, aggressive legal counsel of Mellany Marquez-Kelly to meet any challenge in protecting your rights at our Fort Myers Family Law and Cape Coral Family Law Offices.
Check us out at http://bit.ly/marquezkelly-home,or visit us personally at our Service Areas: Fort Myers and Cape Coral, Florida. 


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