A majority of Americans take into account the equal responsibility of both parents to support and bear their children. They are anticipated to provide and supply appropriate housing, food, medical assistance, and other necessities. 
As based on U.S. Census Bureau’s Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support 2018 report, as mentioned and cited that only 43.5% of the children who are owed child support money regularly become the recipient of full payments. The inability to perform pay child support is a federal offense in the U.S., and noncustodial parents who fail to pay are entitled to face several penalties.
Simply failing to pay child support in Fort Myers, FL can result in the following serious penalties and consequences:

Penalty No.1: Wage Garnishment to Being Held in Contempt of Court.
The state will communicate with an employer right away and see to it that the company takes support payments out of a parent's paycheck under a court-issued Default Judgment and Wage Garnishment Order. The money is then forwarded to the state for transmittal to the custodial parent.
Penalty No.2: Jail Time.
Imprisonment is mostly the last recourse for failure to pay child support. The continuity of the sentence can modify by jurisdiction, but parents are usually released as soon as all child support unpaid and overdue debts are being paid. Unfortunately, the parent can't work within a period of imprisonment. Parents who proceed to jail for non-payment seldom emerge from jail better equipped to address the problem and issue.
Penalty No.3: Suspension of a License such as a Driver’s License, or Business /Occupational Licenses.
The entire states interrogate if you pay child support as a part of their driver's license renewal process, or business or occupational license and local child support agencies regularly report to the appropriate division when a parent falls behind on support payments. This permits the state to immediately check and enforce this first-step penalty for failure and inability to pay.
Penalty No.4: Denial of Passports.
Delinquent parents could detect that they're unable to bring in passports. The state can prohibit them from obtaining or renewing them, limiting the ability and capacity to travel for work or for relaxation activity.
Penalty No.5: Fines and Penalties.
Some states also charge and entitled additional fines and penalties for failure to pay child support. Parents who fall far away behind on a regular payment basis can wind up owing tens of thousands of dollars.
When child support is due according to a child support attorney, child support lawyer and child support agreement ordered by the court, it is significant to pursue to pay in accordance with that child support order. Certain choices may be available to parents sacrificing to make required child support payments through a child support modification but a modification must be requested through the family law court, child support modification attorney, child support modification lawyer and the present child support order remains in effect until it is modified by the family law court.
It is essential to never simply quit paying required child support payments and is more likely best to quest a child support modification promptly when a parent knows they are struggling to make required child support payments. Child support lawyer Cape Coral, child support lawyer Fort Myer, and other resources are existing in Florida to help and assist both parents seeking to strengthen child support orders and parents struggling to pay child support so it is extremely important to be familiar with these options if badly in need of help.
Contact Marquez-Kelly Family Law Attorney at 239-214-0403 for child support legal services, divorce, minor guardianships, paternity, prenuptial/postnuptial agreements, same-sex divorce & adoption, etc., you can count on the successful, aggressive legal counsel of Mellany Marquez-Kelly to meet any challenge in protecting your rights.
We also offer FREE Half-Hour Consultation, just send us a message at  http://bit.ly/marquezkellylaw-contactus, or you can visit us personally at our Service Areas: Fort Myers and Cape Coral, Florida.
For other details and information, check us out at  http://bit.ly/marquezkelly-home.


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