How Often Can You Modify Child Custody in Fort Myers, Florida?

Deciding to change child custody in Fort Myers? How often can you modify child support on Fort Myers, Florida? The court in Florida always favor for the stable living arrangement of a child. As much as possible modification of child custody is not supported unless, there is a major change in circumstances that will give the child the best interest for the modification. If you are considering to change or modify custody of your child it is best that you contact a child custody attorney, Marquez-Kelly Law
In order to modify child custody both parents should agree on the modification. It is a unilateral decision. If parents don’t agree to the terms you have to ask your attorney and file a petition to reopen for the modification of child custody and need to state why you want a change in custody. There should be a substantial and major change in circumstances if you want your petition to be approved. The court always makes sure that it is for the child’s best interest. Examples of “Substantial change in circumstances” could be a long-distance move, a change in the ability of the parent to provide a home or care for the children, abusive partner of the parent, or one parent became a gambling addict after the original custody agreement, parent living with a drug addict, an unhealthy environment that will jeopardize the future of the child. These examples that could bring a negative impact on a child could bring your petition to the court in effect. 
Courts always look at the child future and for them it is better that the child will have consistency in living with his or her parent or the amount of support that should be given to them. This is the very reason why most courts will not allow to modify child custody for a certain period of time after the original custody agreement. Mostly a waiting period of one to two years is common before you can ask for modification. Unless, otherwise there is an imminent danger for the child if it will not to be approved quickly. 
Looking for a child custody attorney? Marquez-Kelly Law Attorney specializes in Family Law. For a professional experienced Family Law in child custody Fort Myers FL, and child custody Cape Coral FL , contact Marquez-Kelly Law Attorney at 239-214-0403 or email us here  for a Free Half-Hour Consultation.


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